
A quick google search for grief resources can leave you feeling overwhelmed. I’m here to make it simple and helpful to find the best grief resources for you. I curated a list of my favorites, and recommendations of other grief professionals. Keep checking back as I keep this list updated and current with the best out there!

  • Young Children   (2-6)

    Lifetimes by Bryan Melonie and Robert Ingpen

    Everybody Feels Sad by Jane Bingham

    The Purple Balloon by Chris Raschka

    We Were Gonna Have a Baby But We Had an Angel Instead by Pat Schwiebert

    School Age/Pre-teen

    The Tenth Good Thing About Barney by Judith Viorst

    A Complete Book About Death for Kids by Earl Grollman

    If Nathan Were Here by Mary Bahr

    After the Funeral by Jane Loretta Winsch

  • You Are Not Alone: Teens Talk About Life After the Loss of a Parent by Lynne B. Hughes

    How It Feels To Be Adopted by Jill Krementz

    How It Feels When Parents Divorce by Jill Krementz

    Facing Change: Falling Apart and Coming Together Again in the Teen Years by Donna O’Toole

  • Meaning Reconstruction and the Experience of Loss by Robert A. Neimeyer

    The Grief Recovery Handbook by John W. James and Russell Friedman

    Motherless Daughters by Hope Edelman

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